In Japan, the custom that only women give chocolates to men. Many women feel obliged to give chocolates to all male co-workers, except when the 14th falls on a Sunday, a holiday. This is known as giri-choco , from giri ("obligation") and choko, ("chocolate"), with unpopular co-workers receiving only "ultra-obligatory" chō-giri choko cheap chocolate. This contrasts with honmei-choco (Favorite chocolate); chocolate given to a loved one. Friends, especially girls, may exchange chocolate referred to as tomo-choko; from tomo meaning "friend".
In the 1980s the Japanese National Confectionery Industry Association launched a successful campaign to make March 14 a "reply day", where men are expected to return the favour to those who gave them chocolates on Valentine's Day, calling it White Day for the color of the chocolates being offered. A previous failed attempt to popularize this celebration had been done by a marshmallow manufacturer who wanted men to return marshmallows to women.
In Japan, the romantic "date night" associated to Valentine's Day is celebrated in Christmast Eve

What do the boy give the girl in white day?
BalasHapusThey give something like cookies,marshmallow,hankerchief,etc to the girls:)
BalasHapusDoes it have any meaning?
BalasHapusHm.. I heard that handkerchief means the boy is rejecting the girl. But I forgot the others means-_-
BalasHapusK. Tysm
BalasHapusYoure welcome^^ and thanks for following and comment!